Protein14.00 %Fat7.00 %Fibre12.00 %Calcium0.85 %Phosphorus0.60 %Sodium0.60 %Vitamin A12000 I.U./kgVitamin D31200 I.U./kgVitamin E245 I.U./kgSelenium0.40 ppm
Equilibrium Pro Plus is a versatile high fat and highly fortified pelleted feed designed primarily for performance horses. It is also a valuable option for breeding and growing horses. Equilibrium Pro Plus dense nutrient content yields a versatile product suitable for situations when one feed has to meet the variable needs of every horse in the barn. Formulated with proven quality ingredients and manufactured exclusively by Cargill in a specialized drug‑free facility.
Feeding rates
Equilibrium Pro Plus is recommended for performance horses, breeding stallions, broodmares and growing foals. Feed in conjunction with water and a minimum of 1% body weight (on a dry matter basis) of a long stemmed forage (hay/pasture). Feed according to the following table, whereby the lower quantity meets minimum vitamin and mineral requirements and the higher quantity meets Purina Superior Recommendations. Ideally, feed enough to achieve desired body condition, and for every kilogram under the recommendation, provide 225 grams of Purina Equilizer (35710). Provide free‑choice salt. Daily ration should be divided into 2 and preferably 3 separate feedings daily.